Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday april 23rd (LATE)

"I'm taking a math quiz and spacing off as usual."

This quote is said by Carter in the beginning of a chapter and he's taking a math quiz as you can see by what's said in the quote.

I can relate to this I guess becaues I tend to just day dream during math becuase I find it boring since there's really no interactive work you have to do. All we do in math is take notes that are already in the book. I can't see why he's spacing off during a quiz though since it still needs to get done. I guess the math teacher just gives him more time to do the quiz than our teacher. Match sucks.

Friday April 30th

"A man from a clothing store called me 'husky' once, it made me cry" is narrated by Carter when he was talking about being a linemen because he was "big".

I thought this was kinda funny and kind of sad. I thought it was funny becaues he used the word "husky" and that's pretty funny because no one really uses that word. I also thought it was kinda sad because the guy was making fun of Carter's size. The guy wasn't the only who made fun of his size either, he had his mom and people from school making fun of his size too.

In school I have never seen someone make fun of someone elses size to their face. I usually hear people talking about it behind other peopel's backs. I guess it's because I go live and go to Edina and everyone is a giant pussy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

6th post

"These kids are all trying so hard to be weird. I'm genuinely weird, so I can spot the effort a mile away."
I think this quotes relates to a lot of people in school and in outside life. I sometimes feel this way when I'm walking alone at a mall or something and a few teens are screwing around or are trying too hard to be funny. Yea bad quote to choose but uh yea I'll try to pick a better one next time in a rush right now sorry.

Friday, April 9, 2010

5th blog post

"This is our house, this is our home."
This quote is said by the main character at the end of book after she and her mom buys a house. At the end of the book the abusive father leaves the family and goes back to asia with another women. The main character makes it into college and buys a house with her mom.

This quote shows that the main character and her mom finally reached the American dream. They were able to come to america with empty pockets and make a living, they eventually were able to buy a house. I am amazed by this because it's a true story and I thought they were going to crumble and go back to Asia since the dad left them to go back. They rose above the odds and through hard work the main character was able to attend college and have their own home.