Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday june 4th blog

"This is why they send kids to war. Young men. Just give us an order. If you've constructed enough of a reason for us to go blow ourselves up .... We won't question a bit."(p.156) This quote is said by the main character when he feels as though he is being forced to do somthing just becuase he is younger than the adult.

This quote is a good quote becuase it shows how young people are easily brain washed. A few good examples of this would be hitler's youth how he trained young people to be nazi's when they grow up. Another example how this is true is how young people were easily drafted for ww2 and were sent in first on d-day because they thought they were invincible and wouldn't die. The older war vetrans knew that if they were to go in first it would be suicide so they let the young people go in first. This quote is really strong becuase it's true how young people are easily minipulated to do anything.